Features at a Glance

Introducing the NordicTrack RW300 Folding Rowing Machine, an innovative and efficient way to achieve a full-body workout from the comfort of your own home. Designed to offer both convenience and effectiveness, this rowing machine boasts the following features:

  1. SpaceSaver folding design for easy storage
  2. 24 digital resistance levels for varied workouts
  3. Dual 2-inch speakers with auxiliary music port
  4. Soft ergonomic seat and moulded handlebars for comfort
  5. 5-inch backlit display for easy tracking of your progress
  6. Maximum user weight capacity of 130 kg
  7. OneTouch controls for seamless adjustment of settings
  8. iFit-enabled for interactive workouts and tracking


The NordicTrack RW300 Folding Rowing Machine is packed with numerous advantages that make it a top choice for fitness enthusiasts. To begin with, the rowing machine offers an incredibly smooth rowing experience, thanks to its inertia-enhanced flywheel and silent magnetic resistance. This ensures a comfortable and efficient workout without disturbing your household.

Moreover, the SpaceSaver folding design makes storage a breeze, especially in small spaces. Additionally, the inclusion of transport wheels allows for easy movement and repositioning of the machine.

The 24 digital resistance levels cater to users of all fitness levels, providing the opportunity to progress and challenge oneself. The 5-inch backlit display clearly presents essential data, such as time, distance, and calories burned, enabling you to track your performance with ease. Furthermore, the iFit-enabled feature offers access to interactive workouts, personalised training, and detailed tracking, enhancing the overall workout experience.


Although the NordicTrack RW300 offers an impressive range of features, it is not without its drawbacks. For instance, the maximum user weight capacity of 130 kg may not be suitable for all individuals. Additionally, some users may find the initial setup and assembly of the machine slightly time-consuming and challenging.

It is worth noting that while the iFit-enabled feature offers numerous benefits, it does require a subscription to access the full range of services. This could be an added cost for some users, depending on their preferences and fitness goals.


Effectiveness: 9/10 The NordicTrack RW300 Rowing Machine effectively targets both upper and lower body muscles, providing a comprehensive and efficient workout. With 24 digital resistance levels, it caters to a wide range of users, regardless of their fitness level. The iFit-enabled feature also contributes to its effectiveness, offering personalised training and interactive workouts.

Design: 8.5/10 Featuring a sleek, modern design, the NordicTrack RW300 is not only visually appealing but also user-friendly. The ergonomic seat and moulded handlebars ensure comfort during workouts, while the 5-inch backlit display allows for easy tracking of your progress. The SpaceSaver folding design and transport wheels are practical solutions for storage and movement. However, the initial assembly process may be a drawback for some users.

Value: 8/10 Considering the wide range of features and the high-quality build of the NordicTrack RW300, it offers good value for money. The rowing machine is a worthwhile investment for those seeking a comprehensive and efficient home workout solution. However, the added cost of the iFit subscription may be a factor to consider for some users.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the NordicTrack RW300 Folding Rowing Machine is a fantastic option for anyone looking to improve their fitness from home. Its effectiveness, design, and value make it a top choice, although the initial assembly and potential added cost of the iFit subscription should be considered. Overall, the NordicTrack RW300 offers an enjoyable and efficient workout experience, catering to users of all fitness levels. Its SpaceSaver design, numerous resistance levels, and interactive features make it a versatile and practical addition to your home gym. While some minor drawbacks exist, they are far outweighed by the benefits of this impressive rowing machine. So, if you’re ready to elevate your fitness routine and achieve your goals, the NordicTrack RW300 Folding Rowing Machine is definitely worth considering.